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Attractiveness and sexual behavior: Does attractiveness enhance mating success?

Gillian Rhodesa, Leigh W. Simmonsb, Marianne Petersa

1. Introduction

2. Method

2.1. Self-reported sexual behaviors and attitudes

2.2. Photographs

2.3. Appearance variables

2.3.1. Ratings

2.3.2. Measurements

2.4. Statistical methods

3. Results

3.1. Sex differences in reported sexual behavior

3.2. Attractiveness and reported sexual behavior

3.3. Components of attractiveness and sexual behavior

4. Discussion


Appendix A. Nonparametric correlations (Kendall's τ) of age with each variable



1. Introduction

Impressed by cultural diversity in beautification practices, Darwin (1874) concluded that humans lacked universal, biologically based standards of beauty. However, evidence that perceptions of attractiveness are similar across cultures (Langlois et al., 2000) and emerge early in development (Rubenstein et al., 1999, Slater et al., 1998) challenge this view. Evolutionary psychologists propose that perceptions of attractiveness are species-wide, sexually selected adaptations for finding good mates (Fink & Penton-Voak, 2002, Rhodes & Zebrowitz, 2002, Thornhill & Gangestad, 1999). If attractive traits and preferences for them are under sexual selection, then those traits should be associated with individual variation in mating success. The present study was designed to test this hypothesis.

In most animals, differential parental investment by males and females leads to different mating strategies. A greater investment by females (gestation, lactation, etc.) means that their reproductive potential is lower than that of males (Clutton-Brock & Parker, 1992, Trivers, 1972, Williams, 1975). Males, with a minimum investment in sperm, can increase their reproductive success by obtaining fertilizations with several females, although they may also benefit from providing parental care in the context of long-term relationships. Females have less to gain from mating with several males (Arnold & Duvall, 1994, Bateman, 1948), and it is more important to secure male parental investment for reproductive success (Buss & Schmitt, 1993, Clutton-Brock, 1991, Daly & Wilson, 1983, Symons, 1979, Trivers, 1972). Such investment can be provided either by one (monogamy) or a series (serial monogamy) of long-term mates. Therefore, if attractive individuals have a reproductive advantage over their peers, then we would expect attractive males to have more short-term mating success, and attractive females to have more long-term mating success than their peers. The lifetime reproductive success of both sexes can also be enhanced by becoming sexually active as soon as the individual is fertile. Therefore, we would expect attractive traits to be negatively correlated with age of first sex in both males and females.

For species that form pair bonds, both males and females can gain additional reproductive success through extra-pair copulations (EPCs). Males can always enhance their reproductive success through seeking additional mates, and in some human societies, men will seek EPCs given the opportunity (e.g., Marlowe, 1999). Females can also benefit from EPCs. In nonhuman animals, such as birds, females who are paired with low-quality males have been shown to enhance their reproductive success by seeking EPCs with males of higher quality than their long-term partner (Hasselquist et al., 1996, Kempenaers et al., 1992). Male EPC activity is likely to be constrained primarily by females' willingness to participate. Therefore, for males, we would expect attractive traits to be positively correlated with EPCs (Gangestad & Thornhill, 1997, Møller & Thornhill, 1998). In contrast, for females, we might expect attractive traits to be negatively correlated with EPCs if attractive females are able to attract males of high quality as their long-term partners.

Physical attractiveness is important in a potential mate (Buss & Schmitt, 1993), but so are other traits, and the precise role of attractiveness in mating behavior remains unclear. Surprisingly, few studies have investigated the relationship between attractiveness and reproductive behavior, and these have generally used poor measures of attractiveness (either self-reported attractiveness or attractiveness rated by only a few observers; for a review, see Wiederman & Hurst, 1998). A few studies have examined the relationship between the attractive trait of body symmetry and sexual behavior (Gangestad & Thornhill, 1997, Thornhill & Gangestad, 1994). Low levels of body symmetry (high asymmetry) appear to be associated with low self-reported lifetime number of sexual partners (controlling for age) in men and women, late self-reported age of first sex in men (Thornhill & Gangestad, 1994), and low numbers of EPCs in men (Gangestad & Thornhill, 1997). These results have been presented as evidence that sexual selection favors individuals of high genetic quality, as indicated by low levels of fluctuating asymmetry (FA). However, FA was not formally isolated from other forms of asymmetry, which do not reflect mate quality, rendering the conclusions equivocal (Tomkins & Simmons, 2003). No studies have examined the relationship between sexual behavior and facial symmetry or other attractive face or body traits.

Here, we examined whether attractive individuals have higher mating success than their peers, as expected if traits that contribute to attractiveness are under sexual selection. Specifically, we investigated whether face and body attractiveness correlate with sexual behaviors that would be associated with reproductive success in the absence of contraception. To determine which attractive traits are responsible for any such correlations, we examined correlations between sexual behaviors and three components of attractiveness: averageness, symmetry, and sexual dimorphism (masculinity in males, femininity in females). For faces, these traits are attractive across cultures (for reviews, see Fink & Penton-Voak, 2002, Rhodes & Zebrowitz, 2002, Thornhill & Gangestad, 1999) and may reflect developmental stability and health (Møller & Swaddle, 1997, Rhodes et al., 2001, Thornhill & Møller, 1997). Evidence that facial sexual dimorphism is attractive is clearer for femininity than for masculinity (for a review, see Zebrowitz & Rhodes, 2002), but an association with health has only been found for masculinity (Rhodes, Chan, Zebrowitz, & Simmons, 2003). Body symmetry and sexual dimorphism are both attractive (Gangestad et al., 2001, Gangestad & Thornhill, 1997, Singh, 1993, Singh, 1995, Thornhill & Gangestad, 1994, Tovée et al., 1999, Tovée et al., 2000). No studies have yet assessed the attractiveness of body averageness, but it seems likely to be attractive given the curvilinear association between body mass index and attractiveness (for female bodies), which can be recast as a linear association with body averageness (Tovée et al., 1999). Finally, to validate our approach, we measured height, which is known to correlate with reproductive success (greater for tall men and short women) in contemporary societies (Mueller & Mazur, 2001, Nettle, 2002a, Nettle, 2002b, Pawlowski et al., 2000).

Attractiveness and its components were assessed by ratings because measurements are generally too simplistic, relying on a limited number of landmark points that provide partial information about facial structure but no information about fat deposits, skin texture, or color (e.g., Grammer & Thornhill, 1994, Koehler et al., 2004, Simmons et al., 2004). Raters are sensitive to subtle differences in facial averageness, symmetry, and sexual dimorphism, and ratings of averageness and symmetry vary systematically with physical manipulations of these traits (Rhodes et al., 2000, Rhodes et al., 1998, Rhodes & Tremewan, 1996). Facial symmetry ratings are also sensitive to differences in facial FA but not directional asymmetry (Simmons et al., 2004), and ratings of sexual dimorphism are sensitive to variation in sexually dimorphic traits, such as the chin and jaw (Koehler et al., 2004). We assumed that raters would also be sensitive to variation in these traits in bodies. We also measured body FA, to facilitate comparison with previous studies showing that this is associated with sexual behavior (Gangestad & Thornhill, 1997, Thornhill & Gangestad, 1994).

2. Method

2.1. Self-reported sexual behaviors and attitudes

An initial sample of 179 males and 205 females was recruited, primarily from the University of Western Australia. A final sample (166 males and 196 females), excluding nonheterosexual participants and males with facial hair, was used in the analyses of appearance and sexual behavior. Most were young adults (males: M=23.4 years, S.D.=6.0 years, range=18–47 years, 75% of the sample was below 25 years; females: M=22.9 years, S.D.=5.6 years, range=17–51 years, 75% of the sample was below 25 years), and most were Caucasian (males: 129 Caucasian, 29 Asian, 8 other; females: 152 Caucasian, 38 Asian, 6 other). They participated in return for course credit, travel expenses, or as volunteers.

A questionnaire was used to determine sexual history and attitudes to sexual relationships with the opposite sex. Details on age, sex, ethnicity, marital status, and sexual orientation were also obtained. Individuals were asked their age at first sexual intercourse, the number of sexual partners they had had, and the duration of each relationship. Relationships lasting less than 1 month were considered short term and those lasting more than 12 months, long term. Note that by long term, we do not mean permanent or semipermanent pair bonds, although relationships lasting 12 months may have the potential to develop into more stable pair bonds. EPC activity was also assessed, defined as the number of occasions on which the participant had engaged in sexual intercourse with a third party while already in a relationship (i.e., cheated on their partner).

A composite attitude score (CAS), measuring attitudes to sexual relationships, was calculated using the sum of ratings given to questions about general views on sexual relationships. Participants were asked whether they agreed or disagreed (1=agreed, 9=disagreed) with the following statements: sex without love is ok, casual sex outside of existing relationships is ok, sex on the first date is ok, and I would need to know my partner emotionally and psychologically before having sex. Ratings of the final statement were reverse scored before the composite score was calculated. A high attitude score indicated a more conservative approach to interactions with the opposite sex. The scale had moderate internal consistency (average interitem rs=.492 for males and .504 for females) and excellent test–retest reliability (r=.832, n=44, p<.001 for males; r=.834, n=48, p<.001 for females, with retesting on a subset of participants who were still available 6 months after initial testing).

To ensure anonymity and thus encourage truthful reporting (Alexander & Fisher, 2003, Ericksen, 1999), participants were identified by a self-selected PIN provided at the top of the questionnaire; the questionnaire was completed in isolation and was lodged in a locked box. Participants were informed that all responses were confidential.

2.2. Photographs

Colored, front-view digital photographs of the face and body were taken of each participant after the completion of the questionnaire. All photographs were taken under uniform, symmetric lighting conditions. Faces were photographed from a fixed distance (190 cm), and the photographs were rotated so that both pupil centers were located on the same y coordinate. All faces displayed a neutral expression. A black oval mask, the outer dimensions measuring 320×420 pixels, was placed over each face, so that the inner hairline and face outline were visible but most of the hair was covered. Faces were shown at a resolution of 72 pixels/in. Bodies were photographed so that they filled the frame and the head was not visible. Models held their arms relaxed at their sides and wore T-shirts and shorts or a short wrap-around, so that their arms and legs were visible. Adobe Photoshop was used to color all clothing black. All bodies were shown with a fixed height of 450 pixels (width varying) at a resolution of 72 pixels/in. The faces and (matched) bodies of these individuals were randomly allocated to four approximately equal-sized sets for rating on aspects of appearance.

2.3. Appearance variables

2.3.1. Ratings

A total of 227 student raters (109 males) participated in return for course credit, travel expenses, or as volunteers. The mean age of male and female raters, respectively, was 20.3 (S.D.=4.9, range=16–41) and 19.5 years (S.D.=6.0, range=16–55). The face and body images in each set were rated on four aspects of appearance: attractiveness, distinctiveness, symmetry, and masculinity or femininity (for male and female stimuli, respectively). Distinctiveness ratings were reverse scored to give a measure of averageness. We avoided asking people to rate how average-looking the faces and bodies were because this can be interpreted to mean “not good looking” rather than spatially average. Each appearance variable was rated by a different group of 24 participants (12 males), using seven-point scales (1=not attractive, 7=very attractive; 1=not symmetric, 7=very symmetric, etc.), to ensure independent assessment of each. Participants were instructed to use the whole range of the scale if possible. Raters rated either one or two sets. For each set, images were blocked by sex and type (face or body), with order randomized within blocks. Four block orders were used, counterbalanced across the sex of the rater. Interrater reliability was high, with coefficient alphas above .815 for faces (M=.861, S.D.=.041) and above .776 for bodies (M=.840, S.D.=.050). A score was obtained for each face and body on each appearance variable, with ratings for any familiar faces (and their bodies) removed (M=1.1 faces/bodies per stimulus set per rater), by averaging across raters. Only opposite-sex raters were used for attractiveness scores, but all raters were used for the other variables.

2.3.2. Measurements

Body measurements were made directly on the participants. Height was measured, along with seven bilaterally paired body traits: foot width, foot length, ankle width, wrist width, elbow width, ear length, and ear width on each side of the body, which were used to derive a measure of body FA. FA is a specific form of asymmetry that is characterized by a normal distribution of left–right differences about a population mean of zero asymmetry (Gangestad & Thornhill, 1998, Palmer & Strobeck, 2003). Because measurement error shows similar characteristics, left-minus-right differences must be shown to be repeatable. We assessed the repeatability and statistical properties of our measures of asymmetry following standard protocol (Palmer & Strobeck, 2003). We analysed male and female bodies separately because bodies are sexually dimorphic. All left-minus-right differences were measured twice, and the signed values of these differences showed significant repeatability. In summary, for male bodies, the variance in signed values of asymmetry for all traits was significantly greater between than within participants; the mean (±S.E.) F ratio across traits was 4.374±0.442 (range=2.767–5.907, df=178,179, all ps<.001). The mean estimate of repeatability was 0.756±0.026 (range=0.639–0.823); signed asymmetry values were therefore significantly repeatable. The same was true for female bodies (mean F ratio=4.064±0.643, range=2.129–6.313, df=203,204, all ps<.001; mean repeatability=0.711±0.047, range=0.530–0.842). Asymmetry in two traits for male bodies (foot length and wrist width) and three for female bodies (foot width, ankle width, and wrist width) met the criteria for FA (mean values were normally or leptokurtically distributed about a mean of zero). Details of these analyses are available on request from the authors. We calculated a composite measure of FA for each individual from these traits (FA17 in Palmer & Strobeck, 2003). We first scaled for trait size by dividing the unsigned value of FA by mean trait size, then summed FAs across traits and divided by the total number of traits in the composite. The presence or absence of reported past body injuries did not contribute significantly to body FA for either males [t(177)=1.75, p=.08; M=0.018, S.D.=0.012, injuries; M=0.015, S.D.=0.011, no injuries] or females [t(202)=0.15, p=.88; M=0.019, S.D.=0.009 injuries; M=0.019, S.D.=0.008, no injuries].

2.4. Statistical methods

All the sexual behavior variables and several appearance variables were markedly nonnormal and could not be transformed to normality. We therefore used nonparametric tests. We used Mann–Whitney U tests to analyse sex differences in reported behavior, and Kendall's rank-order correlation (τ) to examine the relationship between appearance and sexual behavior separately for each sex. Using Kendall's correlation, it is possible to control for the effect of one variable. We controlled for age because it correlated with all sexual behavior variables, except age of first sex for females, and with several of the appearance variables (see Appendix A). To reduce the risk of Type I error, we conducted Bonferroni correction at the level of the hypothesis under examination. For example, all correlations examining the role of masculinity on the sexual behavior of males were Bonferroni adjusted.

3. Results

3.1. Sex differences in reported sexual behavior

Males and females did not differ in age (for males, M=23.5, S.D.=6.1, range=18–47; for females, M=22.9, S.D.=5.6, range=17–51; Mann–Whitney U test, normal approximation Z=−0.99, p=.324). Nor did the proportions of ethnicities differ between the male and female groups [135 (153) male (female) Caucasian and 38 (43) other; χ 2(1)=3.06, P=.081]. It was therefore not necessary to consider these variables as covariates in our between-sex analyses.

Compared with females, males reported significantly more short-term and had more liberal attitudes to sexual relationships (Table 1). Both males and females behaved in accordance with their attitudes to sexual relationships, with significant correlations (controlling for age) between CAS and all behavior variables, except age of first sex in females. Correlations were negative, indicating that individuals with conservative attitudes (high CAS scores) had fewer sexual partners.

Table 1.

Descriptive statistics, t tests, and Mann–Whitney U tests for male/female differences in sexual behavior variables, and Kendall partial rank-order correlations of sexual behavior variables with composite attitude score, controlling for age

Sexual behavior variable Sex n Median Range Mean (S.D.) Mann–Whitney U (Z) p Kendall τ p
Age at first sex F 158 17 13–26 17.3 (2.2) 0.46 .644 .05 ns
M 144 17 12–27 17.6 (2.6) .17* .005
Number of sexual partners F 196 2 0–100 5.8 (11.6) 2.40 .017 −.28* .001
M 166 3 0–280 12.7 (29.6) −.38* .001
Short-term partners F 192 0 0–95 2.5 (7.6) 3.18* .002 −.31* .001
M 160 1 0–100 7.7 (19.2) −.38* .001
EPCs F 194 0 0–15 0.5 (1.4) 1.54 .125 −.13* .005
M 165 0 0–50 1.5 (5.2) −.27* .001
Long-term partners F 192 1 0–7 1.0 (1.1) −2.03 .043 −.20* .001
M 161 1 0–6 0.8 (0.9) −.14* .005
Composite attitude score F 196 26 4–36 25.3 (7.4) −5.95* .001 n/a n/a
M 165 20 4–36 20.4 (7.7) n/a n/a

Survive Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons (n=6 comparisons per test); critical p=.0083.

3.2. Attractiveness and reported sexual behavior

Face and body attractiveness were significantly correlated for females (Kendall's τ=.258, p<.0001, n=192) but not for males (Kendall's τ=.032, p=.55; n=164). Therefore, we kept face and body attractiveness distinct in the analyses. Table 2 shows the descriptive statistics for attractiveness and the other appearance variables, and Table 3 shows the Kendall partial correlations of face and body attractiveness with the sexual behavior variables, controlling for age. Males with attractive faces and bodies had more short-term partners than their peers, and males with attractive bodies became sexually active earlier than their peers. Females with more attractive faces had more long-term relationships and became sexually active earlier than their peers. The median number of long-term relationships for both sexes was one (Table 1).

Table 2.

Descriptive statistics for attractiveness and its components, for faces and bodies

Appearance variables Males Females
n Mean (median) S.D. Range n Mean (median) S.D. Range
Faces Rated attractiveness 166 2.8 (2.8) 0.9 1.2–5.2 196 2.9 (2.9) 0.9 1.3–6.3
Rated sexual dimorphism 166 4.5 (4.5) 0.8 2.1–6.0 196 3.8 (3.8) 0.9 1.7–6.3
Rated averageness 166 4.1 (4.2) 0.7 2.1–5.7 196 4.2 (4.2) 0.7 1.7–5.5
Rated symmetry 166 4.0 (4.0) 0.7 2.5–5.8 196 4.1 (4.1) 0.8 1.6–6.3
Bodies Rated attractiveness 164 3.5 (3.4) 0.9 1.3–5.5 192 3.6 (3.6) 0.8 1.1–5.3
Rated sexual dimorphism 164 4.4 (4.4) 0.9 2.1–6.1 192 4.1 (4.3) 0.9 1.6–6.1
Rated averageness 164 4.3 (4.4) 0.8 1.1–5.7 192 4.2 (4.3) 0.7 1.4–5.4
Rated symmetry 164 4.5 (4.4) 0.6 2.8–6.0 192 4.4 (4.5) 0.7 2.7–6.3
Measured asymmetry (FA) 166 0.02 (0.01) 0.01 0.00–0.06 195 0.02 (0.02) 0.01 0.00–0.05

Rated averageness is reverse scored from rated distinctiveness. Rated sexual dimorphism refers to ratings of masculinity for male faces and bodies, and ratings of femininity for female faces and bodies. Body photographs were missing for six participants.

Table 3.

Kendall partial rank-order correlations of attractiveness with sexual behavior variables, controlling for age

Males Females
Kendall τ p n Kendall τ p n
Faces Age at first sex −.0595 ns 144 −.2184* .001 158
Number of sexual partners .1174 .025 166 .1024 .01 196
Short-term partners .1764* .001 160 .0197 ns 192
EPCs (cheating) .0614 ns 165 .0038 ns 194
Long-term partners −.0323 ns 161 .1225* .005 192
Bodies Age at first sex −.1463* .005 142 .0048 ns 157
Number of sexual partners .1782* .001 164 .0129 ns 192
Short-term partners .2070* .001 159 −.0712 ns 188
EPC (cheating) .0791 ns 163 −.0809 ns 190
Long-term partners .0035 ns 160 .0350 ns 188

Survive Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons (n=10 correlations on same sample); critical p=.005.

3.3. Components of attractiveness and sexual behavior

To examine which components of attractiveness affect sexual behavior, we correlated each of rated sexual dimorphism (masculinity in males, femininity in females), averageness, and symmetry of the face and body with each sexual behavior variable. These traits were all attractive, as expected (Table 4). We did not correlate height with body attractiveness because our photographs were taken so that the body filled the frame, thereby removing visual cues to height.

Table 4.

Kendall partial rank-order correlations of attractiveness with components of attractiveness, for faces and bodies, controlling for age

Males Females
Kendall τ n P Kendall τ n P
Faces Rated sexual dimorphism .256* 166 .001 .602* 196 .001
Rated averageness .189* 166 .001 .234* 196 .001
Rated symmetry .183* 166 .001 .292* 196 .001
Bodies Rated sexual dimorphism .573* 164 .001 .450* 192 .001
Rated averageness .536* 164 .001 .150* 192 .001
Rated symmetry .221* 164 .001 .194* 192 .001
Measured asymmetry (body FA) −.043 164 ns −.087 191 .05

Survive Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons (n=8 correlations on same sample); critical p=.0063.

Sexual dimorphism was consistently associated with sexual behaviors likely to enhance reproductive success in both males and females (Table 5). Masculine males (bodies, with similar trends for faces) had more sexual partners, particularly short-term partners, than their less masculine peers, whereas feminine females (faces) had more long-term partners. Feminine females (faces) also became sexually active earlier than their peers. Taller males had more short-term partners than shorter males (Table 5), and taller females also had more short-term partners than shorter females.

Table 5.

Kendall partial rank-order correlations of rated sexual dimorphism and height with sexual behavior variables, controlling for age

Appearance Sexual behavior Male Female
Kendall τ n P Kendall τ n P
Faces Rated sexual dimorphism Age of first sex −.130 144 .01 −.221* 158 .001
Sexual partners .137 166 .005 .117 196 .01
Short-term partners .112 161 .025 .038 192 ns
EPCs (cheating) .071 165 ns −.059 194 ns
Long-term partners .050 162 ns .152*ns 192 .001
Bodies Rated sexual dimorphism Age of first sex −.076 142 ns .059 157 ns
Sexual partners .179* 164 .001 −.010 192 ns
Short-term partners .167* 160 .001 −.090 188 ns
EPCs (cheating) .099 163 .05 −.088 190 ns
Long-term partners .035 161 ns −.003 188 ns
Height Age of first sex −.127 143 .025 .014 158 ns
Sexual partners .115 165 .025 .095 196 .025
Short-term partners .163* 160 .001 .167* 192 .001
EPCs (cheating) −.014 164 ns −.043 194 ns
Long-term partners −.066 161 ns −.031 192 ns

Survive Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons (n=15 correlations on same sample); critical p=.0033.

Average males (face and body) had more short-term partners than their less average peers (Table 6). Males with average bodies also had more EPCs than their less average peers. For females, averageness did not correlate significantly with any of the sexual behavior variables. Symmetry showed little association with sexual behavior (Table 7). The only significant effect was that women with symmetric faces became sexually active earlier than their peers.

Table 6.

Kendall partial rank-order correlations of rated averageness (reverse scored distinctiveness ratings) with sexual behavior variables, controlling for age

Appearance Sexual behavior Male Female
Kendall τ n P Kendall τ n P
Faces Rated averageness Age of first sex −.047 144 ns −.111 158 .025
Sexual partners .099 166 .05 .030 196 ns
Short-term partners .156* 161 .005 .020 192 ns
EPCs (cheating) .049 165 ns .017 194 ns
Long-term partners .021 162 ns .036 192 ns
Bodies Rated averageness Age of first sex −.082 142 ns −.027 157 ns
Sexual partners .116 164 .025 .004 192 ns
Short-term partners .156* 160 .005 .040 188 ns
EPCs (cheating) .150* 163 .005 .023 190 ns
Long-term partners −.014 161 ns −.017 188

Survive Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons (n=10 correlations on same sample); critical p=.005.

Table 7.

Kendall partial rank-order correlations of symmetry variables with sexual behavior variables, controlling for age

Appearance Sexual behavior Male Female
Kendall τ n P Kendall τ n P
Faces Rated symmetry Age of first sex .097 144 .05 −.170* 158 .001
Sexual partners −.020 166 ns −.048 196 ns
Short-term partners −.020 161 ns −.100 192 .025
EPCs (cheating) .027 165 ns −.046 194 ns
Long-term partners .068 162 ns .009 192 ns
Bodies Rated symmetry Age of first sex .007 142 ns −.081 157 ns
Sexual partners .030 164 ns .127 192 .005
Short-term partners .041 160 ns .065 188 ns
EPCs (cheating) .038 163 ns −.028 190 ns
Long-term partners −.092 161 .05 .125 188 .01
Measured asymmetry (body FA) Age of first sex −.031 144 ns −.017 157 ns
Sexual partners .060 166 ns −.068 195 ns
Short-term partners .105 161 .025 −.019 191 ns
EPCs (cheating) −.006 165 ns −.042 193 ns
Long-term partners −.052 162 ns −.080 191 .05

Survive Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons (n=15 correlations on same sample); critical p=.0033.

4. Discussion

Attractive men and women were more successful in implementing their “preferred” mating strategies according to parental investment theory. Men with attractive faces and bodies enjoyed significantly more short-term mating success than their peers, with no cost in their long-term mating success, whereas women with attractive faces had more long-term mating success than their peers. Attractive men (bodies) and women (faces) also became sexually active earlier than their peers, which would enhance reproductive success for both sexes in the absence of contraception. These results support the assumption underlying much current research on attractiveness, that attractive traits are important in mate choice and may be sexually selected.

Attractiveness enhanced mating success for both men and women, suggesting that both sexes choose partners with attractive traits. This finding challenges claims that male market value is principally determined by earning potential and relationship commitment (e.g., Pawlowski & Dunbar, 1999). Attractiveness of the face and body contributed independently to male mating success because they were uncorrelated, but both affected success. Only facial attractiveness contributed to female mating success, which is surprising if attractive female bodies advertise fertility, as widely believed (e.g., Singh, 1993). However, males may have been able to assess this information from the face because face and body attractiveness were correlated in females (see also Thornhill & Grammer, 1999). It is not clear why the face and body should signal similar information in females but not in males. Future research is needed to determine the relative contributions of face and body attractiveness to overall attractiveness in each sex.

We also examined the association between sexual behaviors and three components of attractiveness: sexual dimorphism, averageness, and symmetry. We confirmed that these traits were attractive in both faces and bodies, including masculinity in male faces, which is not always found (cf., Rhodes et al., 2003). A novel finding was that averageness was attractive in bodies, just as it is in faces, where it is associated with health during development (Rhodes et al., 2001). The only trait that did not correlate with attractiveness was measured body FA. The fact that rated, but not measured, body (a)symmetry correlated with attractiveness may reflect the very limited set of bilateral traits typically used to measure body FA.

Sexual dimorphism showed the strongest associations with sexual behaviors. It was associated with short-term mating success in males and long-term mating success in females, mirroring the results for attractiveness. Specifically, men with masculine bodies had more short-term partners (similar trend for men with masculine faces) and more sexual partners overall, and women with more feminine faces had more long-term relationships and became sexually active earlier than their peers.Hughes and Gallup (2003) have reported similar associations between body sexual dimorphism and sexual behaviors in an undergraduate sample (60 males, 56 females). They measured dimorphic body shape using the shoulder-to-hip ratio for males and waist-to-hip ratio for females. Like us, they found an association with the number of sexual partners for men, although they also found an association for women, which we did not (correlation close to zero). Unlike the present study, they did not distinguish between short- and long-term partners. They also reported significant associations with age of first sex, which we found for females with feminine faces, but not bodies, and which we did not find for masculine males. However, their male correlation would not survive Bonferroni correction for multiple correlations, which may resolve the discrepancy. Finally, they also found an association with EPCs (both cheating on one's own partner and poaching the partners of others). We examined cheating EPCs and found no such correlation, but their EPC cheating correlations would not survive Bonferroni correction. Despite these discrepancies, both studies indicate that sexual dimorphism affects mating success.

The success of masculine men in attracting short-term mates may be consistent with findings that masculine faces are not consistently attractive to women, becoming relatively more attractive at the fertile phase of the menstrual cycle, and particularly for short-term relationships (Penton-Voak et al., 1999). Given that short-term mating success was associated more strongly with masculinity of the body than the face, we suggest that ovulating females might show an even stronger shift in their preference for men with masculine bodies than for men with masculine faces. Future research is needed to test this prediction.

Previous studies have shown that taller men have higher mating success (e.g., Pawlowski et al., 2000). In our study, taller men had more short-term relationships than their peers, consistent with these results and providing some validation of our methods. Interestingly, taller women also reported more short-term partners than their peers. This could reflect a nonpreferred “masculine” mating pattern, or poorer retention of mates by tall women, who generally have lower reproductive success (Nettle, 2002b).

Averageness in men showed similar relationships to sexual behaviors as found for masculinity, with more average men (faces and bodies) having greater short-term mating success than their peers. Men with more average bodies also had more EPCs. For females, there were no significant associations between averageness and sexual behaviors. Therefore, averageness may be more important for male than female mating success.

The only significant association between rated symmetry and sexual behavior was that women with symmetric faces became sexually active earlier than their peers. We found no significant correlation between body FA and mating success (or attractiveness), failing to replicate previous reports that body FA is associated with low lifetime numbers of sexual partners in men and women and the late onset of sexual activity in men (Thornhill & Gangestad, 1994). This failure to replicate cannot be due to insufficient power because we had a much larger sample than Thornhill and Gangestad did. Our analyses were conservative in two respects. First, we guarded against Type I errors using Bonferroni correction. Nevertheless, there were few individually significant correlations between sexual behaviors and FA. Second, we only included, in our composite measure of body FA, traits for which measurements of asymmetry were distributed as FAs. For direct comparison with Thornhill and Gangestad (1994), we repeated our analyses using a composite measure of asymmetry using all body traits measured, irrespective of whether asymmetry values showed the statistical properties of FA. This less conservative analysis likewise failed to replicate the result of Thornhill and Gangestad (1994) (Rhodes, Simmons, & Peters, unpublished). Gangestad and Thornhill (1997) reported a small but significant effect of body FA on EPCs in men, which we also failed to replicate here (with a similar sized sample). However, an odd feature of their data was that the number of EPCs did not increase with age, which raises doubts about the accuracy of these self-reported EPCs.

As typically found in sexual survey data, men reported more sexual partners and more liberal attitudes to sex than women did (Oliver & Hyde, 1993, Wiederman, 1997). Men also reported more short-term, but not more long-term, partners than women. These discrepancies in the numbers of partners claimed by men and women are paradoxical because in a closed population with an equal sex ratio, the number of partners must match for men and women. The reasons behind these discrepancies have been discussed widely (for a review see Wiederman, 1997). The important point here is that they do not affect associations between appearance and sexual behaviors (calculated separately for males and females), which were the focus of this study.

This research has some limitations. Like much research on attractiveness, it was based on a primarily university sample. The youthfulness of such a sample necessarily limits variance in mating success. Another limitation is that appearance was rated from single, front-view photographs of each participant (except for height and body FA). However, despite these limitations, we found clear associations between attractiveness (and its components) and mating success.

Is there any evidence that the associations between behavior and morphological traits found here could actually influence reproductive success in modern populations? Recent studies of male height suggest that they might. Taller men are generally more attractive than those of average height (Feingold, 1982, Gillis & Avis, 1980, Hensley, 1994, Jackson & Ervin, 1992, Shepperd & Strathman, 1989). Consistent with this finding, we found a general tendency for tall men to have more sexual partners, particularly short-term partners, than short men. Studies from three modern human populations have shown that these patterns translate into reproductive success. In Polish (Pawlowski et al., 2000), North American (Mueller & Mazur, 2001), and British (Nettle, 2002a) populations, tall men have more children because they are less likely to remain childless and more likely to have second families. Thus, the patterns of sexual behavior we observe in modern human societies may indeed influence reproductive success, although modern practices of contraception undoubtedly constrain any response to selection.

Attractive traits can certainly be altered by grooming practices and need not be entirely honest signals of mate quality. However, some of the preferences found here could well be adaptations for finding high-quality mates. For example, masculine male faces honestly advertise health during adolescence (Rhodes et al., 2003) and average male faces advertise health during childhood (Rhodes et al., 2001), and both traits were associated with male mating success. Male preference for feminine traits may also be an adaptation for finding high-quality mates, although the case here is weaker because the preference was restricted to faces, whereas the association with health and fertility is clearer for bodies (Singh, 1993) than for faces (Rhodes et al., 2003). Overall, our results suggest that attractiveness plays an important role in mate choice for both men and women, and are consistent with the view that attractive traits and our preferences for them are under sexual selection (Fink & Penton-Voak, 2002, Rhodes & Zebrowitz, 2002, Thornhill & Gangestad, 1999).


This work was supported by the Australian Research Council. We thank Hannah Stevenson and Linda Jeffery for assistance photographing participants, Nicole Koehler for assistance collecting ratings, and Patricia Schartau for assistance preparing the body photographs for rating.

Appendix A. Nonparametric correlations (Kendall's τ) of age with each variable

Variable Males Females
Kendall τ n P Kendall τ n P
Face Rated attractiveness −.047 166 .3909 −.195* 196 .0001
Rated sexual dimorphism .304* 166 .0001 −.078 196 .1224
Rated averageness −.028 166 .6088 −.105 196 .0371
Rated symmetry −.022 166 .6855 −.215* 196 .0001
Body Rated attractiveness −.083 164 .1336 −.160* 192 .0018
Rated sexual dimorphism .141 164 .0108 .046 192 .3626
Height −.060 165 .2778 −.058 196 .2490
Rated averageness −.189* 164 .0006 −.047 192 .3596
Rated symmetry .065 164 .2374 −.063 192 .2156
Measured symmetry (body FA) .002 166 .9753 −.078 195 .1188
Sexual Age of first sex .230* 144 .0002 .164 158 .0057
Sexual partners .356* 166 .0001 .426* 196 .0001
Short-term partners .288* 161 .0001 .371* 192 .0001
EPCs (cheating) .297* 165 .0001 .300* 194 .0001
Long-term partners .370* 162 .0001 .368* 192 .0001

*Survive Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons (n=15 tests of relationship with age on same sample); critical p=.0033.


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a School of Psychology, University of Western Australia, 35 Stirling Highway, Crawley, WA 6009, Australia

b Evolutionary Biology Research Group, School of Animal Biology (M092), University of Western Australia, 35 Stirling Highway, Crawley, WA 6009, Australia

Corresponding author. Tel.: +61 8 9380 3251; fax: +61 8 9380 1006.

PII: S1090-5138(04)00076-5

